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數據分析是 Garena 賽事部規劃的新單元,由賽評 Clement 監製,內容以中英文對照的方式呈現。除了讓台港澳觀眾更詳細地了解賽事動向,我們也致力於提供平台讓外國社群了解 LMS 聯賽。

Stats analysis is a new segement from Garena. We aim to provide our viewers with an in-depth look into the games, while also letting those outside the region better understand LMS. Content is written by our color caster Clement on a weekly basis.

一、第二週戰績排行 ( Standings )

第二週賽事由兩支經由升降賽進入 LMS 的隊伍揭開序幕,AS 在這週經歷了人員調動,Archie 由中路調到打野位置,而 Machi 從 AS 手中拿到了 2-0 的戰績。第二場 Bo2,Mountain 大量地偷取敵方 buff 促成了目前為止最一面倒的比賽,AHQ 最終壓倒性地擊敗了 HKE。第二天的結果出乎人預料之外,LGS 與 MSE 兩支年輕隊伍各自與老大哥 TPA、HKE 打成了平手,而 RD 與 LOFS 也展現了線上的宰制力。第三天,AHQ 無意外地擊退了 AS,再次登板的 HKE 終於拿下了他們在本週的勝利,HKE 保 Raison 的陣容似乎已被 Machi 找到了克制方式,幸虧 Stanley 再次拿出了他的 main 角弗拉迪米爾,不負他上路帝王的稱號。

Week 2 kicked off with a d托福作文題目 托福作文範文 托福作文模板 托福作文格式uel between two teams who entered LMS through the promotion tournament. Machi managed to secure their first 2-0 win, casting doubts on AS's roster change of putting Archie into the jungle. Match two, AHQ continued their dominance with a 2-0 win over HKE in what has been the most lopsided series yet, featuring tons of buff steals, courtesy of Mountain. Day2 was a day of surprises as the LGS and MSE both managed tied series with TPA and HKE respectively on the back of dominating lane performances from RD and LOFS. The last day of the Week 2 again featured rout of AS by the hands of AHQ. HKE looked on the brink of a winless week when Machi out drafted a perfect answer to a protect-the-Raison comp. Thankfully Stanley, former emperor of the top lane, showed up to savage the series on his main champion Vladimir.

二、Meta 一覽 ( Meta Watch )

LMS 的 AD 位置蘊藏了許多天資,選手如 AN、RD、Dee 的實力受到了許多專業人士認可,他們也是隊伍最主要的戰力。當敵方隊伍拿出以克黎思妲為主的保排陣容、而赫克林又被封鎖,伊瑞莉雅就成了對抗此陣容最有效的選項。融合了傷害、cc 技、以及黏人的能力,她可以有效地在團戰中突破保排陣,同時,她也很容易配合打野在遊戲前期滾起雪球。本週 AHQ 的 Ziv、MSE 的 LOFS 都選擇了伊瑞莉雅,而 LOFS 更是與 Empt2 聯手打出了極佳的 play,順利滾起上路雪球、並成功牽制了 CS 數領先的 NL。

Empt2 對教練 Lilballz 說:「除了上路我哪裡都不去,我們一定可以英文學習雜誌 英文學習網站 英文學習遊戲 英文學習資源carry。」

Much talent in the LMS is stacked at the AD position, with strong players like AN, RD and Dee acting is center-pieces for their teams. With the amount of AD focused teams running Kalista-protection comps, Irelia has shown herself as an effective counter when Hecarim is off the table. With the combination of damage, cc reduction and sticking power, she can effectively collapse protection compositions while also opening up another lane for the jungler to make early plays. This week AHQ's Ziv and MSE's LOFS both picked Irelia into Kalista protection comps. LOFS put on quite a show with jungler Empt2, managing to snowball out of top lane to shut down NL's Kalista that was running away in CS.

Empt2 [to his coach] : " It doesn't feel right to go anywhere else but top lane this game, we'll carry."

亞歷斯塔本週的出場率* 增加至 83%。由於降低了入侵敵方野區的死亡風險、以及提供了團戰中的持續控場,這使得牛牛在輔助位的出現率大幅提升,他是風格激進的下路線最大的剋星,也打斷了敵方想從下路線外語學習理論 外語學習平台 外語學習方法 外語學習中心滾起雪球的如意算盤。儘管獄長瑟雷西仍佔有 100% 的出場率,亞歷斯塔卻也帶起了一股旋風,渴望用鐵漢柔情守護你的ADC。

* 出場率 ( Appearance Rate ) = Ban 率 + Pick 率

Lilballz:「當 M兒童英文單字卡 兒童英文教學網站 兒童英文教學網 兒童英文教學遊戲ata 說亞歷斯塔是最好的輔助,你就應該選他。」

Alistar has risen in the support rankings due to the abundance of engage options, and the increased length of teamfights, allowing him to reliably fire off two rounds of control in a single teamfight. He also acts as a damper against aggressive bot lane teams that want to snowball from the bot lane. Though Thresh is still holds top spot as the most popular support with 100% appearance rate, Alistar definitely making waves of his own.

Lilballz: "When Mata says Alistar is the best support pick, you pick it."

LMS 首週,女王雷珂煞完全從競技場上缺席了,共計有 9 次封鎖擋住了她的勢頭。第二週,當許多隊伍耗費心力想封鎖阿祈爾與亞歷斯塔,雷珂煞便悄悄地鑽回了召喚峽谷之中。Machi 從韓國徵召的強援 Fiesta 或許是 LMS 最令人忌憚的打野之一,他總是在清完第二輪野怪後便組織線上 gank、在 6 場比賽中無一例外地場場拿下首殺。雷珂煞在遊戲前期的 gank 能力讓她在兩個版本的 meta 中都受到選手們的喜愛。

Fiesta:「我與 Republic 有相同的目標,我們會拿下冠軍。」

The Queen of Xer'Sai was completely absent in the first week of LMS, which took 9 bans to keep her off the rift. With a renewed focus on keeping picks like Azir and Alistar out of player's hands, Rek'Sai has managed to slither back to the limelight. Fiesta, Machi's new import from Korea, is probably the most feared jungler on the burrower. Machi has secured First Blood in every game so far, with Fiesta initiating all of the ganks on his second clear. Rek'Sai's early ganking power has shown why she has remained popular through two jungle meta's.

Fiesta: "Our [with Republic] goals are the same, we will take first place."

三 、本週之星 ( Player of the Week )

RD ( LGS Snipers ADC ) 克黎思妲 - 16/1/5 vs. TPA

RD 截至目前為止的表現證明了自己是 Snipers 不可動搖的中流砥柱,兩週以來他貢獻了團隊 35% 的傷害。在團戰中,RD 總是穿梭於所有人之間以爭取最好的輸出機會,同時也準確地閃躲了一堆針對他而來的控制技能。LGS 總是耐心等待 RD 順利發育再開啟團戰,他們的團隊發揮倚賴著 RD 的表現。

RD has been the cornerstone of this Snipers squad for the entire year, holding the highest damage contribution for a single player to his team at 35%. A display of his skills is featured in our Big Play of the Week, where you can see him weaving in teamfights for positioning while cleansing and dodging a barrage of crowd control abilities. LGS' game plan has rested on his shoulders, with the strategy being described as "wait-and-teamfight" with a fed RD. Can the snipers inch toward a playoff berth with their Deadeye Marksman?

四、本週精選對戰 ( Game of the Week )

FW vs MSE Game 2 【Link】

這是截至目前最大的冷門。上季常規賽事中 FW 只有兩次落敗的紀錄,而對上排名後半的隊伍更是未嘗一敗。由於所有比賽皆採 Bo2 賽制,本季 LMS 賽程稍長,閃電狼於是決定讓 Steak 與 Karsa 稍作休息,換上了許久未登板的 REFRA1N 與 MMD。遊戲最初 FW 表現不俗,NL 與 SwordArt 聯手逼出了 CorGi 的兩個召喚師技能,也成功凍住了兵新多益分數對照表 新多益分數換算 新多益分數 新多益線。然而,一次在上路的溝通失誤送出了兩次 MMD 的人頭,LOFS 便順利地滾起了雪球。隨後 FW 嘗試奪回遊戲優勢,他們策動了一次中路的四人集結,但 M1ssion 的弗拉迪米爾奇蹟似地生還,爭取了足夠多的時間讓 LOFS 即時趕到、清理戰場。

MSE 是一支仍在摸索求勝方式的隊伍,Empt2 雖能夠壓制對手的線上發育,但該著重於哪路發展優勢卻仍無定論,從強敵 FW 手中拿下一勝對 MSE 來說意義重大,也許會為他們譜出 LMS 新章。

This game is noteworthy for being a major upset. Last Season FW ended the season with only two losses, and were undefeated when fielding their starters. With a longer season due to the BO2 format change, the Wolves have decided to sit out their shot caller and Steak, as well jungler Karsa. The game starts well for FW, as NL and SwordArt force both summoners from MSE's CorGi and start a freeze. But communication errors top lane put FW's MMD down two deaths, and soon the LOFS snowball arrives in the bot lane. FW tries to wrestle back control of the game using a four man gank on M1ssion's Vladimir, who miraculously survives long enough for LOFS to come in and clean up.

MSE has been a team that required some soul searching, they have a monster jungler in Empt2, but haven't shown a consistent laner to snowball as their main carry. With a win over FW of all teams, perhaps they are ready to begin a new chapter with LOFS at the helm.




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